Saturday, January 22, 2005

What does 2 million deluded fools look like?

The annual pilgrimage to the Hajj is on again. For those who don’t know what it’s all about here’s a quick rundown. Every year the media swoops on this event with the usual fervour that such ‘news of the moment’ stories receive, only to recede into the background until next year. However since 9/11, the War in Iraq and the increasing tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims that can be felt in nearly every corner of the globe there has been a renewed interest in Muslim cultures and beliefs. Any genuine attempt to understand another way of life different from our own can only be viewed as positive in terms of promoting racial and religious tolerance. On the other hand, for the ignorant and gullible it has engendered a feeling of suspicion and fear – one that governments such as the United States actively encourage.

Back in Australia I have never seen or heard as much time devoted to Muslim issues from all media outlets. However as is typical of the media the most interesting issues are rarely brought up or if they are, glossed over. This morning I listened to a radio program that devoted considerable time to the events of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The correspondent on the ground reported a sense of excitement typical of the type of fool who gets caught up in the atmosphere with an inability to understand what’s going on around them. I believe this type of reaction is partly a result of an accompanying trend from this minor resurgence of interest in the state of Islam. That is, in this present day climate of political correctness people are afraid to criticize the Muslim faith for fear of being labelled a racist on ethnic or religious grounds.

Part of a democratic, free society is the need to facilitate freedom of thought and open debate on any issue. But freedom of thought, and debate, of which constructive criticism is an essential part, are the antithesis to any organized religion. Don’t get the idea I’m singling out the Muslim faith here, I view any organized religion with equal disdain. Organized religion in any form inculcates a climate of unquestioning faith, subjugation and for non-believers eternal damnation – just ask Salman Rushdie. One of the events of the annual pilgrimage of the Hajj is the stoning of the three pillars. This farcical ritual is an example of the kinds of meaningless customs advanced by the Muslim faith that does nothing but encourage ignorance. It’s up there on a par with the Eucharist practiced by the Christian faith. Incidently 251 people were either trampled or suffocated to death at last years stoning of the three pillars. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your point of view, precautions have been undertaken this year to prevent a repeat occurrence.


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