Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Open season for the corrupt and sick fuckers

Unless you’ve been living in a cave without any contact with the outside world you would no doubt be aware of one the worst natural disasters in living memory. The tsunami that swept South East Asia ten days ago killed tens of thousands and has brought misery and suffering to the lives of hundreds of thousands perhaps millions more. No doubt you would also be conscious of the massive response from the developed world to the disaster - more than US$3 billion in aid and assistance has been pledged and donated by the governments and citizens of developed countries. No doubt that amount will increase in the days, weeks, months and years ahead to fund the costs of reconstruction and rehabilitation of the shattered lives, communities and environments of those people and areas affected.

The humanitarian outpouring of aid and assistance gives the impression that the human race is ultimately a good and benevolent one – at least that’s the angle that the major television networks around the globe are keen to convey. Undeniably there has been a genuine expression of compassion and empathy from all corners of the globe for those affected however we have begun to hear stories of the kinds of opportunistic scum that will exploit any situation for their own twisted purposes. This story tells of people impersonating policeman and aid workers in southern Thailand then looting and stealing tourist luggage and raiding Hotel safety deposit boxes. There are reports of rape - some reportedly inside refugee camps, a 12 year old Swedish boy being kidnapped and child traffickers attempting to procure children for some sick, twisted fuckers. In Sweden, the government has stopped releasing the names of Swedish citizens as yet unaccounted for because of burglaries of the missing people’s homes.

Whilst the major television networks have been devoting considerable air-time to the backslapping, ‘gee aren’t we generous’ mentality of the masses back home, the abuses have received little attention. The amount of money pouring into the affected countries and the plethora of vulnerable people represents a veritable smorgasbord for paedophiles, thieves, the corrupt and every other type of scum that is and will take advantage of such a situation. Apart from the poor and desperate that have no qualms about screwing people over at the best of times, you can expect the same behaviour from the highest echelons of society and government. Having had first hand experience in Thailand I am quite certain politicians and businessman alike will be salivating at the prospect of getting their nose up to the trough - the opportunities for kickbacks, payoffs and extortion too good for these socio-paths to resist.

You can be assured in months and years from now, stories will emerge of remote villages in Sri Lanka, Thailand Indonesia and India that have received little or no assistance, not because the money or aid has not been allocated but because some gluttonous government official or local thug has helped himself to the spoils. Of course there will be beneficiaries, at least in the financial sense, in the aftermath of the disaster. The massive reconstruction effort will bring lucrative contracts and work to those in such industries – that is the natural result of events.

Why do have to concentrate on the negative aspects of this disaster? How does that help? Quite simply I'm not sold on the benevolence of mankind. I intend to document the abuses, corruption and human exploitation not because I take joy in it but because I believe it will be under-reported and overlooked by the majority who form their distorted views from the cathode tube. If you receive or find any reports of such activities send me a message or a link and I’ll slap it up.


At December 15, 2005 at 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who r u !! where r u we need to learn more from a wise man as yourself. 2 open up olordy i feel woozy caplunk. oh yeah i will find you ..... do u mind if i call u master

At December 16, 2005 at 6:32 AM, Blogger The Fundamental Analyst said...

Master is a little over the top. Oh gracious one will be fine.


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