Saturday, January 22, 2005

What does 2 million deluded fools look like?

The annual pilgrimage to the Hajj is on again. For those who don’t know what it’s all about here’s a quick rundown. Every year the media swoops on this event with the usual fervour that such ‘news of the moment’ stories receive, only to recede into the background until next year. However since 9/11, the War in Iraq and the increasing tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims that can be felt in nearly every corner of the globe there has been a renewed interest in Muslim cultures and beliefs. Any genuine attempt to understand another way of life different from our own can only be viewed as positive in terms of promoting racial and religious tolerance. On the other hand, for the ignorant and gullible it has engendered a feeling of suspicion and fear – one that governments such as the United States actively encourage.

Back in Australia I have never seen or heard as much time devoted to Muslim issues from all media outlets. However as is typical of the media the most interesting issues are rarely brought up or if they are, glossed over. This morning I listened to a radio program that devoted considerable time to the events of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The correspondent on the ground reported a sense of excitement typical of the type of fool who gets caught up in the atmosphere with an inability to understand what’s going on around them. I believe this type of reaction is partly a result of an accompanying trend from this minor resurgence of interest in the state of Islam. That is, in this present day climate of political correctness people are afraid to criticize the Muslim faith for fear of being labelled a racist on ethnic or religious grounds.

Part of a democratic, free society is the need to facilitate freedom of thought and open debate on any issue. But freedom of thought, and debate, of which constructive criticism is an essential part, are the antithesis to any organized religion. Don’t get the idea I’m singling out the Muslim faith here, I view any organized religion with equal disdain. Organized religion in any form inculcates a climate of unquestioning faith, subjugation and for non-believers eternal damnation – just ask Salman Rushdie. One of the events of the annual pilgrimage of the Hajj is the stoning of the three pillars. This farcical ritual is an example of the kinds of meaningless customs advanced by the Muslim faith that does nothing but encourage ignorance. It’s up there on a par with the Eucharist practiced by the Christian faith. Incidently 251 people were either trampled or suffocated to death at last years stoning of the three pillars. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your point of view, precautions have been undertaken this year to prevent a repeat occurrence.

Friday, January 14, 2005


As a regular gym goer for many years and a keen observer of human behaviour I've come to recognize certain character traits peculiar to people that frequent such places. Below are just a few of the more obvious examples.

The pretender – this fool is easily recognizable in any field of sport or physical activity. The pretender is decked out with the latest gear and equipment. He believes, although deep down he knows it be false, that looking the part will make up for a lack of skill or ability. The pretender’s main objective is to draw attention to himself. If his fashionable apparel doesn’t do the trick the pretender will resort to a combination of ridiculous lurching movements and emitting loud sounds of exertion that bear no relationship to the type of exercises being performed.

The pretender’s main fear in the gym is actually undertaking physical activity. In fact he will do anything to avoid it whilst making every attempt to make it look like he’s doing something. His ploys at deception are easily identifiable to those who know what to look for – stretching muscles that aren’t even used for the exercise allegedly to be performed, continual adjustment of equipment and taking sips from his water bottle every 10 seconds precipitating regular trips to the bathroom. Upon his return, the routine of stretching, adjusting and sipping begins all over again with the result of nothing in the way of physical activity being accomplished - exactly what was intended. On the odd occasion that he attempts an exercise, for example bench press, the pretender in keeping with his image as an experienced athlete will pile on an impossibly heavy weight and then proceed to push out 1 possibly 2 repetitions. On completion the pretender will wear a well-practiced look of exhaustion on his face and look around eagerly for acknowledgement of his marvellous feat of strength.

The assimilator - closely related to the pretender but without the need to garner attention or exhibit the latest fashions. Like the pretender the assimilator also does his utmost to avoid any kind of physical activity but doesn’t even attempt to disguise the fact. Once in the gym he has a vague idea of what he should do but absolutely no inclination to do it. Committed to doing nothing the assimilator will plonk himself down adjacent to any person doing genuine exercise and just watch. It’s as if he feels that just by sitting in close proximity to someone performing an exercise that he is able to absorb the benefits of the activity as though he had done it himself. After an hour of vicariously experiencing a workout the assimilator returns home with a nagging feeling that nothing has really been achieved - strengthening his resolve to return for another strenuous workout.

The socializer – another close relative of the pretender - he shares the desire to avoid physical activity and to disguise the fact by engaging in conversations with everyone on the gym floor. Unlike the pretender his main aim is not to draw attention to himself but to deflect attention away from his idleness and at the same time bolster his image as 'one the boys'. The socializer will show up at the busiest times to ensure a steady flow of familiar faces with which to engage his banal banter. At the slightest sign that his witticisms aren’t appreciated he'll scurry off in search of another hapless member who'll indulge his purile horseshit.

The socializer is the type of insecure fool that needs constant reassurance that people’s opinion of him is the same as the one he desperately tries to project. At social gatherings the socializer seeks to inject himself into conversations by latching onto anything that may be used to refer to himself and thereby reinforce his false perception of himself in the eyes of others. On hearing the word 'gym' the socializer can proudly announce that he too goes to the gym - which is perfectly true, he does go there, he just doesn’t do anything once he gets there.

The meathead – this slab of meat’s primary purpose is to be as large and intimidating as possible in order to gain the respect he wrongfully believes he deserves. What the meathead lacks in intelligence he makes up for in physical size. He can often be found in front of the mirror frothing at the mouth, veins popping out of his head as he strains under a massive weight. However, unlike the pretender he can actually manage a full set of repetitions. After his work is done the meathead takes on the appearance of a person with a pair of invisible beachballs lodged under his armpits as he strides purposely off the gym floor safe in the knowledge that he is the envy of the rest of the members – his lack of brainpower preventing him from considering the opposite of his imagined self-image.

The cling-on – aptly named because of his penchant for attaching himself to people who exhibit the kind of characteristics he would like to display if he wasn't completely devoid of personality and lacking any will of his own. In a group of gym goers the cling-on is easily spotted as the emasculated whelp who tries to imitate the actions and traits of others from whom he desperately seeks acceptance. He initiates nothing and blindly follows whatever his heroes decide. He'll happily be the butt of a joke and laugh the hardest but will never offer more than a snigger at anyone else for fear of being ostracized. Unlike others, he'll actually do some exercise, not because he wants to but because he thinks it will gain him approval. The unfortunate paradox for the cling-on is that because he is just a shadow with no voice of his own, his presence is superfluous to the group he so desperately wants to be part of. The cling-on is the first to recognise this situation and quickly slips away to find another crowd to suck up to and ultimately be rejected by.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Acheh and the muderously corrupt Indonesian military.

Latest estimates of the tsunami disaster put the number of dead in excess of 150,000, a half to two-thirds of those in the Indonesian province of Acheh with up to a million more Achenese affected. However if you look at the coverage of the disaster by the mainstream media networks, Acheh has received a disproportionate share of attention. Why is that? There are a few reasons – 1) up until the tsunami hit there have been tight restrictions on access for journalists and aid wokers into the region. 2) – The absence of foreigners in Acheh precludes any opportunity for the major media networks to present tear-jerking accounts of their own citizens caught up in the disaster and its aftermath.

For many achenese the tsunami disaster is just another episode in a long history of violence and terror inflicted on the achenese people. To understand the conflict in Acheh today requires an historical perspective - well summarised by this article.

The criminally corrupt Indonesian military (TNI) continues its campaign of terror and outright lies with government backing. For example, claims that military personnel formerly committed to wiping out any remants of achenese independence are now commiting themselves to the aid effort are laughable. Here are a few articles on the type of assistance being offered by the TNI.Here is another article detailing the latest cases of corruption and child trafficking by the Indonesian military in Acheh. Check out this website for more stories and links.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Thai musings 2 - Mawng arai? มองอะไร - The staring monkey syndrome

Any foreigner who has spent considerable time in Thailand and ventured outside the comfort zone of Bangkok will have encountered the curious stares of Thai people. The more isolated the area the increased frequency of the staring factor. At first it may be amusing and even ego building as the foreigner is imbued with a sense of celebrity status. After a while it can become a little annoying, especially when the looks of amazement haven’t ceased after a year of walking down the same street, eating at the same market and riding the same shit-box Honda dream. As with a lot of things in Thailand you can shrug your shoulders and go about your business or stew over it and drive yourself to the brink of insanity. It’s amazing how often so many foreigners succumb to the latter.

There are different types of stares but hardly any with malicious intent. Usually it’s just a shy, inquisitive smile and a look that says WTF are you doing in this shit-hole of a town wearing thongs, fisherman pants and a red bull t-shirt when you live in a mansion, dress in designer label clothes, drive luxurious cars and shag loads of blond women. Their views are quite understandable given that for many, their exposure to foreigners is almost exclusively confined to the warped microcosm of the western world conveyed by the idiot box.

The most basic tasks when performed by a foreigner - eating, walking, riding a motorbike for example can leave a Thai awestruck. If you can string a few grammatically correct sentences of the Thai language together some Thais will be so overcome with a combination of awe, fascination and fear as to forget how to speak their own language.

The good news for foreigners is that the staring syndrome is not just a one-way street of fun for Thais. Catching a Thai in the midst of a staring frenzy offers plenty of scope for entertainment as they stand, mouth agape with half a fist rammed into their nose without a shred of self-awareness. Or how about the complete loss of navigation skills as Somchai, induced into a trance-like state from the sight of a white skinned alien, drives his Toyota pick-up clean over the curb.

The foreigner who gets up tight over a little innocent staring doesn’t do him/herself any favours in a country where minor annoyances are lurking behind every corner. Keeping the ego in check and reminding yourself that the joke is not entirely at your own expense does wonders for your coping skills and ultimately your sanity in the Land of Smiles.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Open season for the corrupt and sick fuckers

Unless you’ve been living in a cave without any contact with the outside world you would no doubt be aware of one the worst natural disasters in living memory. The tsunami that swept South East Asia ten days ago killed tens of thousands and has brought misery and suffering to the lives of hundreds of thousands perhaps millions more. No doubt you would also be conscious of the massive response from the developed world to the disaster - more than US$3 billion in aid and assistance has been pledged and donated by the governments and citizens of developed countries. No doubt that amount will increase in the days, weeks, months and years ahead to fund the costs of reconstruction and rehabilitation of the shattered lives, communities and environments of those people and areas affected.

The humanitarian outpouring of aid and assistance gives the impression that the human race is ultimately a good and benevolent one – at least that’s the angle that the major television networks around the globe are keen to convey. Undeniably there has been a genuine expression of compassion and empathy from all corners of the globe for those affected however we have begun to hear stories of the kinds of opportunistic scum that will exploit any situation for their own twisted purposes. This story tells of people impersonating policeman and aid workers in southern Thailand then looting and stealing tourist luggage and raiding Hotel safety deposit boxes. There are reports of rape - some reportedly inside refugee camps, a 12 year old Swedish boy being kidnapped and child traffickers attempting to procure children for some sick, twisted fuckers. In Sweden, the government has stopped releasing the names of Swedish citizens as yet unaccounted for because of burglaries of the missing people’s homes.

Whilst the major television networks have been devoting considerable air-time to the backslapping, ‘gee aren’t we generous’ mentality of the masses back home, the abuses have received little attention. The amount of money pouring into the affected countries and the plethora of vulnerable people represents a veritable smorgasbord for paedophiles, thieves, the corrupt and every other type of scum that is and will take advantage of such a situation. Apart from the poor and desperate that have no qualms about screwing people over at the best of times, you can expect the same behaviour from the highest echelons of society and government. Having had first hand experience in Thailand I am quite certain politicians and businessman alike will be salivating at the prospect of getting their nose up to the trough - the opportunities for kickbacks, payoffs and extortion too good for these socio-paths to resist.

You can be assured in months and years from now, stories will emerge of remote villages in Sri Lanka, Thailand Indonesia and India that have received little or no assistance, not because the money or aid has not been allocated but because some gluttonous government official or local thug has helped himself to the spoils. Of course there will be beneficiaries, at least in the financial sense, in the aftermath of the disaster. The massive reconstruction effort will bring lucrative contracts and work to those in such industries – that is the natural result of events.

Why do have to concentrate on the negative aspects of this disaster? How does that help? Quite simply I'm not sold on the benevolence of mankind. I intend to document the abuses, corruption and human exploitation not because I take joy in it but because I believe it will be under-reported and overlooked by the majority who form their distorted views from the cathode tube. If you receive or find any reports of such activities send me a message or a link and I’ll slap it up.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Movie Review - The Fog of War

The fog of war is a documentary narrated entirley by former U.S secretary of defense Robert McNamara. McNamara held the post of Secretary of Defense for 7 years under John. F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson from 1961 - 1968. McNamara gives his version of some of the most important events of the 20th century, his own involvement and the other major players. The film is interspersed with White House recordings of private conversations between McNamara and Presidents Johnson and Kennedy, images from the Second World War, Vietnam and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Producer Erol Morris also fires the occasional question at McNamara in an interrogation style interview.

Even at 85 years of age McNamara is articulate and sharp. At times he is candid but at others he is evasive and non-committal. He admits to making mistakes but avoids taking responsibility for possibly the biggest U.S blunder of the twentieth century -the Vietnam War, of which he was a major architect. He has, like most skilled masters of rhetoric, the almost undetectable ability to shift blame from himself to others. However for those with a good grasp of the historical events of McNamaras era his explanations ring hollow on a number of occasions. In the words of the Canadian Philosopher John Raulston Saul - 'history is the enemy for people like McNamara ...... his actions are eloquent proof that what he says isn't true'

Personally I think the film spends a little too much time on McNamaras background and not enough on penetrating the most probing questions of his career but that is also a result of McNamara's refusal to answer such questions. If you are well acquainted with the events and issues of the film you'll find nothing new. What you will see, if you look closely enough, is a tortured soul, shifting constantly between an honest portrayal of historical events and desperate attempts to exonerate himself of his actions.

What is also not covered by the film is McNamara's role in kicking off the Nuclear Arms race and his tenure as head of the World Bank where for 13 years he wreaked havoc on Third World economies around the globe. For further information on these aspects of McNamaras life see these excellent references. For those with little knowledge of the subject matter the film is an eye-opener and an excellent jumping-off point for further research into some of the most fascinating times of the 20th century.